My Own, Of Course!
Yoga for Computer Users by Sandy Blaine
Yoga for Healthy Knees by Sandy Blaine
Positive Psychology Resources
The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt
Wired To Create by Scott Barry Kaufman
The Joy of Movement by Kelly McGonigal
A Primer in Positive Psychology by Chris Peterson
The Happiness Track by Emma Seppälä
Flourish by Martin Seligman
Books to Help You Practice Yoga & Meditation
The Iyengar Way by Silva, Mira & Shyam Mehta
How To Use Yoga by Silva, Mira & Shyam Mehta
30 Essential Yoga Poses by Judith Lasater
Yoga for Healthy Aging by Baxter Bell and Nina Zolotow
Yoga for Times of Change by Nina Zolotow
Books on Stress Reduction
Relax and Renew by Judith Lasater
Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers by Robert Sapolsky
The Relaxation Response by Herbert Benson
Yoga & Pain Relief by Kelly McGonigal
Books that Explain the Theory and Philosophy of Yoga
Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of Moving Into Stillness by Erich Schiffman
Living Your Yoga by Judith Lasater
Full Catastrophe Living by John Kabat-Zinn
Simple Yoga by Cybele Tomlinson
More Advanced Texts on Yoga Philosophy
The Shambala Guide To Yoga by Georg Feuerstein
Yoga: Discipline and Freedom (The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
translated by Barbara Stolen Miller)
Hatha Yoga Pradapika (The original 15th Century text on hatha yoga
translated by Brian Dana Akers)
Websites, Podcasts & Blogs
Better Than Fine
Yoga for Times of Change
Shambhala Publications
International Positive Psychology Association
Lifestyle As Medicine
Emma Seppala
Imagination Institute
Kelly Mcgonigal
Bruce Black/Practice Journal
Yoga Spy
Hugger Mugger
Yoga International
Kelly Corrigan Wonders
Yoga Studios
Quotes from Sandy Blaine
in Yoga for Times of Change
by Nina Zolotow
“My go-to practice to feel better, especially on a day when time is short, is to focus on hip and shoulder openers. Those [the hip and shoulder sockets] are the big movement centers of the body, and I find that releasing tension from those areas and keeping them mobile frees up a lot of energy. Feeling better in my body always elevates my mood as well.” (p. 48)
“In positive psychology, taking steps to regulate your emotions and increase your own well-being is called making positive interventions.” Sandy Blaine, a positive psychology expert as well as a longtime yoga teacher, says that positive interventions offer us some control over our own emotional states and may help us ‘ride the waves’ more skillfully rather than simply reacting. And she says that yoga offers many different options for making positive interventions.” (p. 89)